Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Which one of the next-gen videogame consoles is the best?

xbox 360 is exellent but you really cant compare them until all of them come out and you've given us some time to play them.

What do i wait for?tell when do i have to wait?

You don't see a sign or a dream, "Estekhara prayer" is for asking Allah to help you for the best choice, you will have to choose by the choice by yourself and move on your life.

Describe the growth of the pollen tube and how fertilisation leads to seed and fruit formation ?

The pollen tube grows throgh the style and reaches to the egg cell through the micropyle. It then releases two male gametes. One fuses with the egg cell and other with the synergids. The one with the egg celss makes it to form the zygote while the synergids make it endosperm mother cell and forms the endosperm. The zygote further develops into embryo and a new plant after gemrination and the stimulus of fertilization triggors the development of the ovary into fruit.

"At fifty a man has the face he deserves," Whose idea, Orwell or Camus?

"Apr�s un certain �ge tout homme est responsable do son visage." says Camus... An almost identical statement appears as the last entry in George Orwell's notebooks: "At 50, everyone has the face he deserves." (According to Ren� Dubos) But who cooked up the idea first? Sartre perhaps?

Ramadan. I dont like going to masjid with my dad?

Its just that I get a little embared, which sometimes leads to me getting mad. Like if I wasn't with my dad, I'd say salaam to ppl idk sitting next to me, but with my dad there I dont do that bc he'll be like or think "aww what a good kid I have". I hate when ppl do that to me! Its other things to, like when a person walks in and says salaam outloud, everyone responds back but I dont bc my dada next to me. I'm sorry its just hard to explain. If u understand what I'm trying to say, tell me this at least, is this awkwardness around my dad just something bc I'm 16? I'll clarify more if ur still confused.

Want a good dressing suggestion?

The heels are a bit too much and I would tell him there is no way. Over time they can do damage to you and they are very uncomfortable to wear all the time. There are many women who are uncomfortable in sleeveless tops, and you should not be forced to wear anything that makes you feel self conscious. I feel like you need to sit him down and tell him how you really feel. He obviously thinks you are very y and just wants to see more of your body, but you need to let him know how you feel. If he does not love you enough to back off, then maybe he is not the one for you.

Thanks for answering, but I need more opinions?

My God, I can't forgive my self for not taking the chances when I had the chances. Now I'm afraid I won't have that chances again. I went on a second date with a girl I really like in I didn't kiss her. I mean I believe I had the chances because it was at the movie theater with her in there wasn't almost no body there to notice us kissing. Her body language, and the way she was acting toward me was I believe the hint of interest. I think I should kissed her, but I didn't wanted to look as desperate either. I believe I made a complete idiot of my self that night, but if I get another chances with her this weekend I will fallow my man drive in kiss her. I believe the best time to kiss is in the third date, but others kiss on the first date. I know that it all depend on the occasion you are at. I didn't want to come out as needy or clingy. I gave the kiss time more time, and now I feel like I have lost the battle because I think she smelt the wuss out of my skin. I'm really interest in this particular girl so that is why I'm worry, I may not get another chances with her. She is 25 years old just like me, but I believe she have experiences. I just hope God I could get another chances on a third date to wussify my self. I really like this girl, and I believe I don't want to let this one go. Any tips or help will great appreciated. Thanks everyone.