Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Please PLEASE please help a high school graduate with advice regarding college. thanks a ton?

International business is just that. Courses that you take will focus on the aspects of managing and operating business focused on international commerce. You will be required to take up to 4 semesters of a foreign language. Some programs also require a semester of coursework to be taken overseas. Yes, the major is broad, but you will eventually find a business niche that you enjoy and specialize in it, such as marketing, sales, finance, or accounting. Speaking of accounting and job growth, did you know that since many people think that accounting is dull and boring that we are now at a shortage of accountants and accounting professors? Job growth for accountants is far outpacing other jobs in the business world and starting salaries are reaching all time highs. A CPA (certified public accountant) can start making up to $100,000 upon certification. Also, colleges and universities have increased the salaries of accounting professors, making them some of the highest paid professors at their respective schools.

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